Title of Partnership RSO/LCC Lead Contact  Lead Service Organisations Represented Partnership Type Comments Signifance Score
Lancashire Waste Partnership Mark Davies CCDS Lancashire County Council; Districts and Unitary Authorities Joint objectives/no contract Formed to develop a Lancashire Municipal Waste Strategy. Major 39
Lancashire Supporting People Commissioning Body Suzanne Lodge Health & Strategic Housing   Joint objectives/no contract The decision making body for allocating and monitoring the Supporting People Programme (SPP). Major 39
LD LSP (Lancaster District Local Strategic Partnership) Tracey Jardine Corporate Strategy   Joint objectives/no contract A strategic forum to involve all stakeholders in production of a community strategy that articulates a vision for the future of the district. Major 39
LD LSP Safety Thematic Group Michelle Emery Corporate Strategy Lancaster City Council, Lancashire County Council, Lancashire Constabulary, Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service, Lancashire Police Authority, North Lancashire PCT, Youth Offending Team, Lancashire Probation Service, Inward House Projects, Lancaster Guardian, The Citizen, Lancaster & District Women’s Aid, Lancaster University, Lancaster Magistrates Court, Crime stoppers, Crown Prosecution Service, Victim Support Lancashire, University of Cumbria Students Union, Community Futures, Young Addiction, Age Concern, Geraldine Smith MP, Baroness Ruth Henig. Joint objectives/no contract To ensure that the district is a safe and pleasant place in which to live, work and visit. Major 36
Luneside East Regeneration Partnership Advisory Board Julian Inman  Planning & Building Control English Partnerships, Lancaster City Council, NWDA Contractual arrangements Implementation and development of a key regeneration project and Brownfield site using external funding. Major 34
Parkwise/Decriminalised Parking Enforcement David Hopwood Property Services   Joint objectives/no contract Lancashire wide partnership to deliver effective on-street and off-street parking enforcement. Major 34
West End Partnership Anne Marie Harrison Neighbourhood Management Lancaster City Council, Lancashire County Council, West End Residents Association, Older Persons’ Forum, Young Persons’ Representative, The Polish Community, ‘Signposts’ (Chair), Friends of Regent Park, Heysham High School, West End Primary School, Sandylands Primary School, Lancashire Constabulary and West End Surgery Joint objectives/no contract To advise on the delivery of neighbourhood management and regeneration programmes as they relate to the West End of Morecambe. Major 34
Lancashire Partnership Richard Tulej Corporate Strategy   Joint objectives/no contract Delivery of the County Council's Sustainable Community Strategy 'Ambition Lancashire' and delivery of the Lancashire LAA. Major 33
Critical Ordinary Watercourses Ged McAllister Planning & Building Control   Joint objectives/no contract Implementation of the requirements of the Land Drainage Act in partnership with the Environment Agency. Major 31
Local Government Association - Icelandic Bank Investments Nadine Muschamp Financial Services Local Government Association and Member Councils Joint objectives/no contract Co-ordinating Council's approach to the collapse of Icelandic Banks . Major 31
Closed Circuit TV Graham Cox Property Services   Joint objectives/no contract Provision and management of CCTV in the district as a contribution to reducing crime and the fear of crime. Major 30
Shoreline Management Plan 2 Andrew Dobson/Ged McAllister Planning & Building Control   Joint objectives/no contract Integration of the way in which coastal defences are managed.  Lead partners are Blackpool Unitary Authority. Major 30
Young Persons Protocol Partnership Suzanne Lodge/Patricia Preston Health & Strategic Housing Lancaster City Council, Lancashire County Council, YMCA, After Care Services Joint objectives/no contract Group to assess housing and support the needs of vulnerable young people. Major 29
Key Cultural Partnership David Owen/Richard Hammond Cultural Services Dukes; More Music in Morecambe; LUDUS; Storey Gallery; LitFest; Williamson Park etc. Joint objectives/no contract Co-coordinating and developing forum for local Art and Culture.   This group is assisting in the development of the district's arts strategy and will be responsible for implementing, monitoring, reviewing it.  Major 28
Lancashire Economic Partnership Bill Kindon Economic Development and Tourism   Joint objectives/no contract Lancashire wide steer the economic development of the sub regions. Major 28
Arnside Silverdale AONB Andrew Dobson Planning & Building Control   Joint objectives/no contract Implement and lead on responsibilities/requirements under the Countryside Rights of Way Act 2000. Major 26
Children's Trust (incorporating LD LSP Children & Young People Thematic Group) Richard Tulej Corporate Strategy   Joint objectives/no contract Now replaced by Children's Trust Acting Under LD LSP Children & Young People Thematic Group. Major 26
Lancashire and Blackpool Tourist Board Jim Trotman Economic Development and Tourism   Joint objectives/no contract To take a strategic lead on tourism in the county, providing thematic marketing and providing a credible conduit for significant external funding. Major 26
Lancashire Sport Partnership Richard Hammond Cultural Services Lancashire County Council; Districts and Unitary Authorities and Sport England Joint objectives/no contract Delivers sports and recreation activities across Lancashire. Major 26
LD LSP Economic Thematic Group Anne Marie Harrison Economic Development and Tourism Lancaster City Council, Lancashire County Council, Council for Voluntary Service (CVS), Lancaster & District Chamber of Commerce, Community Safety Partnership (CSP), Learning and Skills Council, Business Link North and Western Lancashire Ltd., North Lancashire NHS, Hindu Society, Marsh Community Association, Vale Tenants and Residents Association, Poulton Neighbourhood Management and Heysham Neighbourhood Council Joint objectives/no contract Deliver the economic themes of the Sustainable Community Strategy. Major 26
NW ERDF Programme Management Committee Anne Marie Harrison Economic Development and Tourism   Joint objectives/no contract Management of ERDF competitiveness for the North West. Major 26
Forest of Bowland AONB Andrew Dobson Planning & Building Control   Joint objectives/no contract Implement responsibilities/requirements under the Countryside Rights of Way Act 2000, under the leadership of Lancashire County Council. Major 25
Storey Board Anne Marie Harrison Economic Development and Tourism   Contractual arrangements Management of the Storey building as a centre for creative industries in a commercial and sustainable way. Major 25
LD LSP Environment Thematic Group Andrew Dobson Planning & Building Control   Joint objectives/no contract Adapt to the consequences of Climate Change; protect air, water and land quality and use resources sustainably. Moderate 24
Museums Partnership David Owen Cultural Services The Friends of Lancaster Maritime Museum, Lancaster City Council, Lancashire County Council, Kings Own Border Regiment and Friends of the City Museum Joint objectives/no contract Delivery of the Museums Service. Moderate 24
North Lancashire Local Action Group  Bill Kindon Economic Development and Tourism   Joint objectives/no contract Deliver the rural development plan for England within the North Lancashire area. Moderate 24
Yorkshire Purchasing Organisation (YPO) Contract Geoff Jackson Property Services   Contractual arrangements Energy procurement arrangement. Moderate 24
Lancashire County Council SLA for Morecambe VIC Jim Trotman Economic Development and Tourism   Contractual arrangements A partnership agreement until March 2010, annually renewable, for the operation of Morecambe Visitor Information Centre. The Counry Council supplies two members of staff Moderate 24
District Play Partnership Richard Hammond Cultural Services Local Schools; LEA; local community groups; Play England etc.   Joint objectives/no contract Co-coordinating and developing play activity in the district in accordance with the district-wide Play Strategy.  Originally formed as a sub-group of the Children & Young People Building block (now replaced by the C&YP Thematic Group). Moderate 23
Bulky Matters Mark Davies CCDS Lancaster City Council & Furniture Matters - looking to expand partnership to include other Councils Joint objectives/no contract Delivers a bulky household waste service. Moderate 23
Homelessness Strategy and Review Steering Group Suzanne Lodge Health & Strategic Housing Lancaster City Council, Lancashire County Council, Homeless Action, Shelter, Addiction, After Care Services, Together, Lancaster District Women’s Aid (LDWA), Signposts, Inward House, Connexions, YMCA, Nacro, CAB, Probation Service, Adactus Housing Association, Places for People, Lancashire CVS, Mental Health Team, Foyer, DISC, F.I.S.H, Christ Church Night Shelter Joint objectives/no contract To deliver and monitor the Homelessness Strategy. Moderate 23
Sports & Physical Activity Alliance Richard Hammond Cultural Services Private and voluntary sector stakeholders. Joint objectives/no contract Co-ordinating & developing sports & physical activity at a district level, reporting directly to the Lancashire Sports Partnership.  Originally a sub group of the health & wellbeing building block, responsible for implementing/monitoring/reviewing the district's sport & physical activity strategy.   Moderate 22
LD LSP Health and Wellbeing Thematic Group Suzanne Lodge Health & Strategic Housing   Joint objectives/no contract Promote wellbeing and reduce health inequalities within the district. Moderate 22
LD LSP Valuing People Thematic Group Richard Tulej Corporate Strategy NCBI Lancashire, Morecambe CAB, Lancaster City Council, Lancashire County Council, Traveller Education Service, Royal Lancaster Infirmary, HMPS Lancaster Farms, University of Cumbria, One Voice, CVS, Lancashire Constabulary, Lancaster & Morecambe College, Victim Support, NCBI Lancashire, Lancaster University and HMPS Lancaster Castle Joint objectives/no contract Improve community cohesion; improve capacity of voluntary and faith sector and enable older people to contribute to life. Moderate 22
LD LSP Education, Skills & Opportunities Thematic Group Bill Kindon Economic Development and Tourism   Joint objectives/no contract Increase provision and opportunities to encourage all people to self develop; engage Not in Education, Employment & Training (NEET's) and help the long term worklessness get back into work. Moderate 21  
MARAC (Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conference) Partnership Patricia Preston Health & Strategic Housing   Joint objectives/no contract Group to assess domestic violence offenders risk profile and assign action to agencies. Moderate 21  
White Lund Plant and Training Centre Mark Davies CCDS Piccadilly Gardens Centre Joint objectives/no contract Training opportunities for vulnerable people and those with learning difficulties. Moderate 21
Gas Servicing Contract Keith Hawkard Council Housing Emcor Contractual arrangements Maintain gas appliances within housing stock and renewal programme. Moderate 20
Lancs LAA Economic Thematic Group Anne Marie Harrison Economic Development and Tourism   Joint objectives/no contract Officer group aimed at steering implementation of the economic element of the Lancashire LAA. Moderate 20
Lancashire EU Steering Group  Anne Marie Harrison Economic Development and Tourism   Joint objectives/no contract Steering a sub-regional approach to EU Funding. Moderate 19
Parksafe Graham Cox/David Hopwood Property Services   Joint objectives/no contract Long term (10 year) partnering arrangement to manage the Mitre House Car Park. Moderate 18
Rota Painting Contract Keith Hawkard Council Housing Whittle painting Contractual arrangements External painting of housing stock. Moderate 18
North West E Government Group Jane Allder Information Services   key relationships Delivery of transformational change in the North West. Moderate 17
Social Housing Liaison Group Suzanne Lodge Health & Strategic Housing   Key relationships To provide a forum through which the City Council can develop its partnership with Registered Social Landlords (RSLs) in the district. Moderate 17
Morecambe Bay Strategy Partnership Andrew Dobson Planning & Building Control Lancaster City Council, Lancashire County Council, South Lakeland District Council, Wyre Borough Council, RSPB, Natural England, Associated British Ports, Boughton Estates, British Energy, Centrica Energy Hydrocarbon Resources Ltd., Cumbria County Council, Environment Agency, Heysham Port Ltd., Holker Estates, Lancashire Environment Fund, Seasalter (Walney) Ltd., United Utilities Key relationships Economic partnership at a sub-regional level to deliver single tourism branding and approach to regeneration projects and integration of strategic planning objectives.  The significance of this partnership will evolve over the next few years. Limited 16
NW Teaching PCT Health & Well Being Group Peter Loker Management Team   Joint objectives/no contract Sub-regional partnership (Wyre, Fylde and Lancaster) promoting wellbeing and reduction in health inequalities. Limited 16
Team Lancashire Partnership Nadine Muschamp Financial Services Procurement officers/reps throughout Lancashire Key relationships Achieve better value for money for all citizens in Lancashire by pooling resources, sharing responsibilities and learning from each other. Limited 16
Partnership Plus David Hopwood Property Services   Key relationships Crime and safety initiative sharing best practice and developing relationships between NCP, Police and the Council. Limited 14
Housing & Mental Health Forum Suzanne Lodge Health & Strategic Housing   Joint objectives/no contract To allow statutory and voluntary agencies to address strategic housing issues affecting those with mental health issues. Limited 13
Lancashire Rural Steering Group Bill Kindon Economic Development and Tourism   Joint objectives/no contract Monitoring of the Rural Strategy and identification of rural issues as part of the overall Lancashire Economic Partnership policy development. Limited 13
Lancaster Canal Restoration Partnership Jim Trotman Economic Development and Tourism Lancaster City Council, Lancashire County Council, Cumbria County Council, South Lakeland District Council, British Waterways, Lancaster Canal Trust, Kendal Town Council  Joint objectives/no contract To re-instate the Lancaster Canal as a navigable waterway as far as Kendal for Leisure and Tourism purposes - in particular supporting the rural tourism economy. Limited 13
Leeds/Morecambe Community Rail Partnership Jim Trotman Economic Development and Tourism   Joint objectives/no contract 21% of visitors to the District come from W Yorkshire, this partnership exists to enhance the rail connections between W Yorkshire and Morecambe for Leisure and Tourism. Limited 13
Business Link Bill Kindon Economic Development and Tourism Key relationships Memorandum of understanding with Business Link NW to co-ordinate and co-operate in the delivery of business development. Limited 12
Green Partnership Awards Richard Tulej Corporate Strategy   Key relationships Fund environmental projects in the Lancaster district. Limited 12
Lancashire LA European Advisory Group  Anne Marie Harrison Economic Development and Tourism   Joint objectives/no contract Officer structure aimed at advising Chief Executive on European regeneration. Limited 12
NW Regional European Partnership Anne Marie Harrison Economic Development and Tourism   Joint objectives/no contract Lead the regions European policy agenda. Limited 12
Benefits Inter-Agency Partnership Group Richard Mason Revenues & Benefits   Key relationships Meets with other agencies in the district i.e. PCT's; DWP; Pensions to share common issues/best practice. Limited 11
Vision Board Anne Marie Harrison Economic Development and Tourism Lancaster City Council, Furniture Matters, Lancaster & District Chamber of Commerce, Dukes Theatre, Ben Wallace MP, Irvine Taylor, Lancaster & Morecambe College, GTP Solutions, North West Development Agency (NWDA), Charter Solution, Lancashire Economic Partnership, Craigwell Hotel, Agricultural Representative, In Touch Ltd., The Storey Institute, British Energy, Lancaster University, Sultan Indian Restaurant, Mason Gillibrand, Heysham Port and Lancashire County Council key relationships Economic visioning. Limited 11
Lancashire Association of Local Councils (LALC) Richard Tulej Corporate Strategy   Key relationships Liaison with Parish & Town Councils to promote, share and understand local issues of shared interest. Limited 9
Partnership type
Contractual arrangements
Joint objectives/no contract
Key relationships
None/Don't know